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Emlx #

Tasks that handle converting modern Apple-format e-mail into RFC-822 format e-mail.


reconstruct(file_pk, **depends_on) #

Task to convert .emlx and .partial.emlx Apple email formats into RFC 822 .eml format.

The Apple .emlx format has two differences from the normal .eml:

  • it prepends a single line with binary data to the mail email body
  • it zeroes out larger parts inside the multipart message, and moves their payload to separate files on disk in the same directory, with the extension .partial.emlx.

This task reads all those .partial.emlx files and attaches them back to a new .eml email message to be used with the rest of the pipeline.

Source code in snoop/data/analyzers/
@snoop_task('emlx.reconstruct', version=1)
def reconstruct(file_pk, **depends_on):
    """Task to convert `.emlx` and `.partial.emlx` Apple email formats into RFC 822 `.eml` format.

    The Apple `.emlx` format has two differences from the normal `.eml`:

    - it prepends a single line with binary data to the mail email body
    - it zeroes out larger parts inside the multipart message, and moves their payload to separate files on
        disk in the same directory, with the extension `.partial.emlx`.

    This task reads all those `.partial.emlx` files and attaches them back to a new `.eml` email message to
    be used with the rest of the pipeline.
    from .. import filesystem  # noqa: F401

    file = models.File.objects.get(pk=file_pk)
    with as f:
        original_data =

    eml_data = re.sub(rb'^\d+\s+', b'', original_data, re.MULTILINE)
    message = email.message_from_bytes(eml_data)

    for ref, part in iter_parts(message):
        if part.get('X-Apple-Content-Length'):
            ext = f'.{ref}.emlxpart'
            part_name = re.sub(r'\.partial\.emlx$', ext,
            parent = file.parent_directory
            part_file = (
                .filter(name_bytes=part_name.encode('utf8', errors='surrogateescape'))

            if not part_file:
                log.warning("Missing %r", part_name)

            with as f:
                payload =

    with models.Blob.create() as output:

    return output.blob