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Exif #

Tasks that extract GPS location and other metadata from images.



Mime types supported for EXIF geographical data extraction.

Extracting exif data is done using ExifRead. The supported filetypes can be found in the Project description.


can_extract(blob) #

Checks if we can extract EXIF data from blob.

Source code in snoop/data/analyzers/
def can_extract(blob):
    """Checks if we can extract EXIF data from blob."""
    return blob.mime_type in EXIFREAD_MIME_TYPES

extract(blob) #

Task to extract EXIF GPS tags from Blob with image.

Source code in snoop/data/analyzers/
def extract(blob):
    """Task to extract EXIF GPS tags from Blob with image."""

    # details=False removes thumbnails and MakerNote (manufacturer specific
    # information). See

    with as f:
            tags = exifread.process_file(f, details=False)
        except (AttributeError, IndexError) as e:
            raise SnoopTaskBroken("ExifRead failed: " + str(e),
        except Exception as e:
            raise SnoopTaskBroken("ExifRead failed: " + str(e),

    if not tags:
        return {}

    data = {}
        gps = extract_gps_location(tags)
    except ZeroDivisionError as e:
        raise SnoopTaskBroken("zero division error when computing GPS: " + str(e),

    if gps:
        data['location'] = gps

    for key in ['EXIF DateTimeOriginal', 'Image DateTime']:
        if key in tags:
            date = convert_exif_date(str(tags[key]))
            if date:
                data['date-created'] = date

    return data

extract_gps_location(tags) #

Returns GPS "lat lon" string from dict with tags.

Source code in snoop/data/analyzers/
def extract_gps_location(tags):
    """Returns GPS "lat lon" string from dict with tags."""
    def ratio_to_float(ratio):
        return float(ratio.num) / ratio.den

    def convert(value):
        d = ratio_to_float(value.values[0])
        m = ratio_to_float(value.values[1])
        s = ratio_to_float(value.values[2])
        return d + (m / 60.0) + (s / 3600.0)

    tags = {key: tags[key] for key in tags.keys() if key.startswith('GPS')}

    lat = tags.get('GPS GPSLatitude')
    lat_ref = tags.get('GPS GPSLatitudeRef')
    lng = tags.get('GPS GPSLongitude')
    lng_ref = tags.get('GPS GPSLongitudeRef')

    if any(v is None for v in [lat, lat_ref, lng, lng_ref]):
        return None

    lat = convert(lat)
    if lat_ref.values and (lat_ref.values[0] != 'N'):
        lat = -lat
    lng = convert(lng)
    if lng_ref.values and (lng_ref.values[0] != 'E'):
        lng = -lng
    return "{}, {}".format(lat, lng)