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Checkdata #

Check data for orphaned Blobs or discrepancy between S3 and Database.

Optionally delete the Orphaned Database Blobs and S3 objects.


Command #

Check data for orphaned Blobs or discrepancy between S3 and Database.

add_arguments(self, parser) #

Adds flag to switch between running collection workers and system workers.

Source code in snoop/data/management/commands/
def add_arguments(self, parser):
    """Adds flag to switch between running collection workers and system workers."""
    parser.add_argument('--collection', default='__ALL__',
                        help="Check specific collection. By default, check all of them.")
    parser.add_argument('--min-age-hours', type=int, default=2,
                        help="Minimum object age (from date modified) for it to be checked/deleted.")
    parser.add_argument('--delete-orphaned', action='store_true', default=False,
                        help="Delete orphaned Blob objects from the database and S3.")
handle(self, *args, **options) #

Runs workers for either collection processing or system tasks.

Source code in snoop/data/management/commands/
def handle(self, *args, **options):
    """Runs workers for either collection processing or system tasks."""

    collection = options['collection']
    if collection == '__ALL__':
        all_collections = list(collections.ALL.values())
        all_collections = [collections.ALL[collection]]

    for col in all_collections:
        with col.set_current():
  '\n============\nchecking collection %s\n==============',
            errors = 0
            errors += check_blobs_orphaned(options['delete_orphaned'], options['min_age_hours'])
            errors += check_blobs_vs_s3()
            if errors > 0:
                log.error('found %s errors in collection %s', errors,
      'collection %s has no errors',


check_blobs_orphaned(delete = False, min_age_hours = 2) #

Look for orphaned database Blob entries.

This is done by automatically fetching all related field named, and building a single query that checks for them all. This approach is better than manually lisiting fields, since it does not need to be updated.


Name Type Description Default
- delete

if will delete found entries from Database and S3.

- min_age_hours

objects edited later than this many hours ago are ignored.

Source code in snoop/data/management/commands/
def check_blobs_orphaned(delete=False, min_age_hours=2):
    """Look for orphaned database Blob entries.

    This is done by automatically fetching all related field named, and
    building a single query that checks for them all.
    This approach is better than manually lisiting fields, since it does not need to be updated.

        - delete: if will delete found entries from Database and S3.
        - min_age_hours: objects edited later than this many hours ago are ignored.
    # get all related fields of model Blob.
    # is_relateion=True filters out the actual fields.
    # concrete=False    filters out the Foreign Keys of this Blob pointing to itself (links to parents).
    fields = [ for f in models.Blob._meta.get_fields(include_hidden=True)
              if f.is_relation and not f.concrete]
    log.debug('found fields: %s', str(fields))
    query_args = {f + '__isnull': True for f in fields}
    orphaned_blobs = (
        .filter( - timedelta(hours=min_age_hours))

    if not orphaned_blobs.exists():
        return 0
    count = orphaned_blobs.count()
    total_size = orphaned_blobs.aggregate(Sum('size'))['size__sum']
    log.warning('found ORPHANED BLOBS: count = %s, size = %s!', count, pretty_size(total_size))
    if delete:'starting DELETE of %s Orphaned Blobs...', count)
        s3_deleted, db_deleted = delete_blobs(orphaned_blobs, count)
        log.warning('DELETED Orphaned Blobs: S3 count = %s, Database count = %s',
                    s3_deleted, db_deleted)
        count = orphaned_blobs.count()
    return count

check_blobs_vs_s3() #

Check for differences between DB and S3 storage mediums.

Report on: - S3 objects not in DB - DB objects not in S3 - documents with differing sizes between DB and S3


Type Description

the number of distinct errors

Source code in snoop/data/management/commands/
def check_blobs_vs_s3():
    """Check for differences between DB and S3 storage mediums.

    Report on:
        - S3 objects not in DB
        - DB objects not in S3
        - documents with differing sizes between DB and S3

        the number of distinct errors
    def s3_hash_size_iter():
        """Generator that returns (sha, size) tuples in order from s3."""
        s3_object_iterator = settings.BLOBS_S3.\
            list_objects(collections.current().name, recursive=True)
        for obj in s3_object_iterator:
            if obj.is_dir:
            s3_sha3 = obj.object_name.replace('/', '')
            s3_size = obj.size
            yield s3_sha3, s3_size

    def db_hash_size_iter():
        """Generator that returns (sha, size) tuples in order from db."""
        db_iterator = models.Blob.objects.filter(collection_source_key=b'')\
            .order_by('pk').values('pk', 'size', 'date_modified')
        for vals in db_iterator:
            yield vals['pk'], vals['size']

    s3_iter = s3_hash_size_iter()
    db_iter = db_hash_size_iter()

    size_mismatch_count = 0
    size_mismatch_total_size = 0

    missing_from_s3_count = 0
    missing_from_s3_total_size = 0

    missing_from_db_count = 0
    missing_from_db_total_size = 0

    s3_current = next(s3_iter, None)
    db_current = next(db_iter, None)

    s3_size = 0
    db_size = 0

    # while both iterators have items, compare the heads.
    # if the head item hashes are equal, check for size difference.
    # if they are different, then save the smaller one, and iterate the respective one.
    while s3_current is not None and db_current is not None:
        s3_hash, s3_size = s3_current
        db_hash, db_size = db_current
        if s3_hash == db_hash:
            if s3_size != db_size:
                size_mismatch_total_size += max(s3_size, db_size)
                size_mismatch_count += 1
            s3_current = next(s3_iter, None)
            db_current = next(db_iter, None)
        elif s3_hash < db_hash:
            missing_from_db_count += 1
            missing_from_db_total_size += s3_size
            s3_current = next(s3_iter, None)
            missing_from_s3_count += 1
            missing_from_s3_total_size += db_size
            db_current = next(db_iter, None)

    while s3_current is not None:
        missing_from_db_count += 1
        missing_from_db_total_size += s3_size
        s3_current = next(s3_iter, None)

    while db_current is not None:
        missing_from_s3_count += 1
        missing_from_s3_total_size += db_size
        db_current = next(db_iter, None)

    if size_mismatch_count:
        log.warning('found SIZE MISMATCH: count = %s, size = %s',
                    size_mismatch_count, pretty_size(size_mismatch_total_size))

    if missing_from_db_count:
        log.warning('found MISSING FROM DB but present in S3: count = %s, size = %s',
                    missing_from_db_count, pretty_size(missing_from_db_total_size))

    if missing_from_s3_count:
        log.warning('found MISSING FROM S3 but present in DB: count = %s , size = %s',
                    missing_from_s3_count, pretty_size(missing_from_s3_total_size))

    return missing_from_db_count + missing_from_s3_count

delete_blobs(blob_iterator, expected_count) #

Delete Database and S3 entries for Blobs using this iterator.

Reports progress as percent.

Returns a (s3, db) tuple with actual number of items deleted.

Source code in snoop/data/management/commands/
def delete_blobs(blob_iterator, expected_count):
    """Delete Database and S3 entries for Blobs using this iterator.

    Reports progress as percent.

    Returns a (s3, db) tuple with actual number of items deleted.
    deleted_s3 = 0
    deleted_db = 0
    expected_count += 1

    UPDATE_EVERY = math.ceil(expected_count / 11)

    for i, blob in enumerate(blob_iterator):
        if (i + 1) % UPDATE_EVERY == 0:
  'DELETE %s%%', int(100 * i / expected_count))
            deleted_s3 += 1
        except Exception as e:
        deleted_db += 1
    return deleted_s3, deleted_db