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Filesystem #

Definitions for filesystem-related Tasks.

These are the first steps in processing any dataset: walking the filesystem and recording files and directories in their respective database tables.

The root directory for a dataset is explored by the Task. This recursively schedules walk[] on the directories inside it, and then schedules on all the files inside it.

Files discovered may actually be Archives, Emails or other containers that contain directories too, but walking these is treated differently under, and others.


create_archive_files(file_pk, archive_listing) #

Creates the File and Directoty structure after unpacking files.

Receives a dict (called the "archive_listing") from the unarchive Task with the names of the Files and Directories that must be created, as well as the File timestmaps and binary data hashes.

This function serves half the role of walk(), but inside archives; it queues handle_file() for all files unpacked. It assumes the Blob objects for the files inside have already been created.

Source code in snoop/data/
def create_archive_files(file_pk, archive_listing):
    """Creates the File and Directoty structure after unpacking files.

    Receives a dict (called the "archive_listing") from the
    Task with the names of the Files and Directories that must be created, as well as the File timestmaps
    and binary data hashes.

    This function serves half the role of [`walk()`][], but inside archives; it
    queues [`handle_file()`][] for all files unpacked. It assumes the
    `Blob` objects for the files inside have already been created.

    if isinstance(archive_listing, SnoopTaskBroken):
        log.warning("Unarchive task is broken; returning without doing anything")

    with as f:
        archive_listing_data = json.load(f)

    if not archive_listing_data:
        log.warning("Unarchive data is empty; returning...")

    def create_directory_children(directory, children):
        for i, item in enumerate(children):
            queue_limit = i >= settings.CHILD_QUEUE_LIMIT

            if item['type'] == 'file':
                child_original = models.Blob.objects.get(pk=item['blob_pk'])
                file = create_file(directory, item['name'], child_original)
                handle_file.laterz(, queue_now=not queue_limit)

            if item['type'] == 'directory':
                create_directory(directory, item['name'], item['children'])

    def create_directory(parent_directory, name, children):
        (directory, _) = parent_directory.child_directory_set.get_or_create(
            name_bytes=name.encode('utf8', errors='surrogateescape'),
        create_directory_children(directory, children)

    def create_file(parent_directory, name, original):
        size = original.size

        file, _ = parent_directory.child_file_set.get_or_create(
            name_bytes=name.encode('utf8', errors='surrogateescape'),

        return file

    archive = models.File.objects.get(pk=file_pk)
    (fake_root, _) = archive.child_directory_set.get_or_create(name_bytes=b'')
    create_directory_children(fake_root, archive_listing_data)

create_attachment_files(file_pk, email_parse) #

Creates the File and Directoty structure after unpacking email attachments.

Receives a dict from the email.parse() task with the names and bodies of the attachments.

This function serves the role of walk(), but inside emails; it queues handle_file() for all files unpacked.

Source code in snoop/data/
def create_attachment_files(file_pk, email_parse):
    """Creates the File and Directoty structure after unpacking email attachments.

    Receives a dict from the [`email.parse()`][] task with the names and
    bodies of the attachments.

    This function serves the role of `walk()`, but inside emails; it queues `handle_file()` for all
    files unpacked.

    attachments = list(get_email_attachments(email_parse))

    if attachments:
        email_file = models.File.objects.get(pk=file_pk)
        (attachments_dir, _) = email_file.child_directory_set.get_or_create(
        for attachment in attachments:
            original = models.Blob.objects.get(pk=attachment['blob_pk'])
            size = original.size

            name_bytes = (
                .encode('utf8', errors='surrogateescape')
            (file, _) = attachments_dir.child_file_set.get_or_create(


directory_absolute_path(root_data_path, directory) #

Returns absolute Path for a dataset

Directory supplied must be present on the filesystem.


This is expected to return an invalid Path without failing if supplied with a Directory that is not found directly on the filesystem, but inside some archive or email.


Throw exception if directory isn't directly on filesystem.

Source code in snoop/data/
def directory_absolute_path(root_data_path, directory):
    """Returns absolute Path for a dataset [][].

    Directory supplied must be present on the filesystem.

        This is expected to return an invalid Path without failing if supplied with a Directory that is not
        found directly on the filesystem, but inside some archive or email.

        Throw exception if directory isn't directly on filesystem.

    path_elements = []
    node = directory
    path = pathlib.Path(root_data_path)

    while node.parent_directory:
        node = node.parent_directory
    for name in reversed(path_elements):
        path /= name

    return path

get_email_attachments(parsed_email) #

Extracts attachment identifiers from parsed email data.

Source code in snoop/data/
def get_email_attachments(parsed_email):
    """Extracts attachment identifiers from parsed email data.

    if isinstance(parsed_email, SnoopTaskBroken):
        log.debug("Email task is broken; returning without doing anything")

    def iter_parts(email_data):
        yield email_data
        for part in email_data.get('parts') or []:
            yield from iter_parts(part)

    with as f:
        email_data = json.load(f)

    for part in iter_parts(email_data):
        part_attachment = part.get('attachment')
        if part_attachment:
            yield part_attachment

handle_file(file_pk, **depends_on) #

Parse, update and possibly convert file found on in dataset.

Re-runs libmagic in case mime type changed (through updating the library). Switching by the resulting mime type, a decision is made if the file needs to be converted to another format, or unpacked into more Files and Directories (in cases like archives, emails with attachments, PDFs with images, etc).

If a conversion/unpacking is required, then a Task responsible for doing the conversion/unpacking operation is dynamically added as a dependency for this Task (using require_dependency()). Previous dependencies that are not valid anymore must also be removed here; this is to fix documents with wrong mime types, not to support document deletion.

Finally, after all unarchiving, unpacking and converting is done, we queue the digests.launch Task for the de-duplicated document that the given File is pointing to. A dependency between this Task and that one is not made, since we have no use for such a dependency and it would only slow down the database.

Source code in snoop/data/
@snoop_task('filesystem.handle_file', version=4, queue='filesystem')
def handle_file(file_pk, **depends_on):
    """Parse, update and possibly convert file found on in dataset.

    Re-runs `libmagic` in case mime type changed (through updating the library). Switching by the resulting
    mime type, a decision is made if the file needs to be converted to another format, or unpacked into more
    [Files][] and [Directories][] (in cases like archives,
    emails with attachments, PDFs with images, etc).

    If a conversion/unpacking is required, then a [Task][] responsible for doing the
    conversion/unpacking operation is dynamically added as a dependency for this Task (using
    [`require_dependency()`][]). Previous dependencies that are not valid
    anymore must also be removed here; this is to fix documents with wrong mime types, not to support
    document deletion.

    Finally, after all unarchiving, unpacking and converting is done, we queue the
    [`digests.launch`][] Task for the de-duplicated document that the given File is
    pointing to.  A dependency between this Task and that one is not made, since we have no use for such a
    dependency and it would only slow down the database.
    # TODO: remove `file.blob`, keep only `file.original`, and move the emlx_reconstruct/msg_to_eml
    # into digests.launch

    file = models.File.objects.get(pk=file_pk)

    old_mime = file.original.mime_type
    old_blob_mime = file.blob.mime_type
    old_blob = file.blob
    file.blob = file.original

    # update mime type / magic information
    if file.blob != file.original:

    extension = pathlib.Path(
    if allow_processing_for_mime_type(file.original.mime_type, extension):
        if archives.is_archive(file.blob):
            unarchive_task = archives.unarchive.laterz(file.blob)
                depends_on={'archive_listing': unarchive_task},

        if file.original.mime_type in email.OUTLOOK_POSSIBLE_MIME_TYPES:
                file.blob = require_dependency(
                    'msg_to_eml', depends_on,
                    lambda: email.msg_to_eml.laterz(file.original),
            except SnoopTaskBroken:
            remove_dependency('msg_to_eml', depends_on)

        if file.original.mime_type in EMLX_EMAIL_MIME_TYPES:
            file.blob = require_dependency(
                'emlx_reconstruct', depends_on,
                lambda: emlx.reconstruct.laterz(,
            remove_dependency('emlx_reconstruct', depends_on)

        if file.blob.mime_type in RFC822_EMAIL_MIME_TYPES:
            email_parse_task = email.parse.laterz(file.blob)
                depends_on={'email_parse': email_parse_task},

    # if conversion blob changed from last time, then
    # we want to check if the old one is an orphan.
    deleted = False
    if != and !=
        if not old_blob.file_set.exists():
            # since it is an orphan, let's remove it from the index
            log.warning('deleting orphaned blob from index: ' +

            # and database - this should cascade into all tasks, Digests, etc

            deleted = True

    retry = file.original.mime_type != old_mime \
        or file.blob.mime_type != old_blob_mime \
        or deleted
    digests.launch.laterz(file.blob, retry=retry)

walk(directory_pk) #

Scans one level of a directory and recursively ingests all files and directories found.

Items are iterated in arbitrary order. When a directory was found, an entry is added to the table (if it doesn't exist there already) and another Task is queued on it. On the other hand, if a file was fonud, a corresponding row is added (or updated, but never removed) from the table, the binary data for the file is stored in a object, and finally the Task is queued for it.

One of the decorators of this function,, wraps this function in a Django Transaction. Because also wraps the queueing operation inside Django's transaction.on_commit(), all queueing operations will be handled after the transaction (and function) is finished successfully. This has two effects: we never queue tasks triggered from failing functions (to avoid cascading errors), and we queue all the next tasks after finishing running the current Task.

The number of tasks queued by this one is limited to a config setting called CHILD_QUEUE_LIMIT. Since the tasks to be queued are kept in memory until the function is finished, we are limiting the memory used through this value. We also want to avoid saturating the message queue with writes, a real I/O bottleneck.

For the walk() -> handle_file() queueing, this is the intended behavior, because handle_file requires all sibling Files to have also been saved in the File table and on the Blobs. This is needed because some file types depend on their sibling files to be decoded. For example, the Apple Email format (".emlx") stores larger parts of its multipart RFC-822 messages in separate files under the same Directory. If we would run handle_file() on any file without its siblings existing in the database, we woulnd't find those attachment files.

For the walk() -> walk() queueing, this is not the intended behavior - we could save some time in the beginning of processing a dataset by dispatching all the walk() faster, saturating the workers quicker. We take a conservative approach here in case we wanted to add deeper matching of related files (for example, what if the ".emlx" files stored their attachment under a sub-folder?). Since this functionality is not used, the walk() -> walk() recursivity may be optimized in the future by removing the transaction.on_commit call from queue_task() when queueing walk() from this function.

Source code in snoop/data/
@snoop_task('filesystem.walk', version=2, queue='filesystem')
def walk(directory_pk):
    """Scans one level of a directory and recursively ingests all files and directories found.

    Items are iterated in arbitrary order.  When a directory was found, an entry is added to the
    [][]. table (if it doesn't exist there already) and another
    [][] Task is queued on it. On the other hand, if a file was fonud, a
    corresponding row is added (or updated, but never removed) from the [][] table,
    the binary data for the file is stored in a [][] object, and finally the
    [][] Task is queued for it.

    One of the decorators of this function, [][], wraps this function in a
    Django Transaction. Because [][] also wraps the queueing operation inside
    Django's `transaction.on_commit()`, all queueing operations will be handled after the transaction (and
    function) is finished successfully. This has two effects: we never queue tasks triggered from failing
    functions (to avoid cascading errors), and we queue all the next tasks after finishing running the
    current Task.

    The number of tasks queued by this one is limited to a config setting called
    [`CHILD_QUEUE_LIMIT`][snoop.defaultsettings.CHILD_QUEUE_LIMIT]. Since the tasks to be queued are kept in
    memory until the function is finished, we are limiting the memory used through this value. We also want
    to avoid saturating the message queue with writes, a real
    I/O bottleneck.

    For the `walk() -> handle_file()` queueing, this is the intended behavior, because `handle_file`
    requires all sibling Files to have also been saved in the File table and on the Blobs. This is needed
    because some file types depend on their sibling files to be decoded. For example, the Apple Email format
    (".emlx") stores larger parts of its multipart RFC-822 messages in separate files under the same
    Directory. If we would run `handle_file()` on any file without its siblings existing in the database, we
    woulnd't find those attachment files.

    For the `walk() -> walk()` queueing, this is not the intended behavior - we could save some time in the
    beginning of processing a dataset by dispatching all the `walk()` faster, saturating the workers
    quicker. We take a conservative approach here in case we wanted to add deeper matching of related files
    (for example, what if the ".emlx" files stored their attachment under a sub-folder?). Since this
    functionality is not used, the `walk() -> walk()` recursivity may be optimized in the future by removing
    the `transaction.on_commit` call from `queue_task()` when queueing `walk()` from this function.
    directory = models.Directory.objects.get(pk=directory_pk)
    url_stat = settings.SNOOP_BROKEN_FILENAME_SERVICE + '/get-stat'
    url_list = settings.SNOOP_BROKEN_FILENAME_SERVICE + '/get-list'
    url_obj = settings.SNOOP_BROKEN_FILENAME_SERVICE + '/get-object'

    with collections.current().mount_collections_root() as root_collection_path:
        root_data_path = os.path.join(root_collection_path, collections.Collection.DATA_DIR)

        dir_path = directory_absolute_path(root_data_path, directory)
        relative_path = os.path.relpath(dir_path, start=root_collection_path)
        service_path_bytes = os.path.join(
        ).encode('utf-8', errors='surrogateescape')
        arg = {'path_base64': base64.b64encode(service_path_bytes).decode()}

        for i, thing in enumerate(, json=arg).json()['list']):
            queue_limit = i >= settings.CHILD_QUEUE_LIMIT
            thing['name_bytes'] = base64.b64decode(thing['name_bytes'])
            thing['name'] = thing['name_bytes'].decode('utf8', errors='surrogateescape')

            if thing['is_dir']:
                (child_directory, created) = directory.child_directory_set.get_or_create(
                # since the periodic task retries all talk tasks in rotation,
                # we're not going to dispatch a walk task we didn't create
                walk.laterz(, queue_now=created and not queue_limit)

            f_path = directory_absolute_path(root_data_path, directory) / thing['name']
            f_relative_path = os.path.relpath(f_path, start=root_collection_path)
            if _is_valid_utf8(str(f_path)):
                stat = f_path.stat()
                stat_size = stat.st_size
                stat_ctime = stat.st_ctime
                stat_mtime = stat.st_mtime
                original = models.Blob.create_from_file(
                    collection_source_key=f_relative_path.encode('utf-8', errors='surrogateescape'),
                # use the broken filename service
                f_service_path_bytes = os.path.join(
                ).encode('utf-8', errors='surrogateescape')
                f_arg = {'path_base64': base64.b64encode(f_service_path_bytes).decode()}
                stat =, json=f_arg).json()
                stat_size = stat['size']
                stat_ctime = stat['ctime']
                stat_mtime = stat['mtime']
                # save file to remote disk and create blob from it
                with collections.current().mount_blobs_root(readonly=False) as w_blobs_root:
                    tmp_base = pathlib.Path(w_blobs_root) / 'tmp' / 'blobs-broken-filenames'
                    tmp_base.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

                    # not using "with" because we give arg delete=False
                    # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
                    temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tmp_base, prefix='blob-', delete=False)
                    temp_name =
                        with, json=f_arg, stream=True) as r:
                            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=512 * 1024):
                        original = models.Blob.create_from_file(temp_name)

            file, created = directory.child_file_set.get_or_create(
            # if file is already loaded, and size+mtime are the same,
            # don't retry handle task
            if created \
                    or file.mtime != time_from_unix(stat_mtime) \
                    or file.size != stat_size:
                file.mtime = time_from_unix(stat_mtime)
                file.size = stat_size
                file.original = original
                handle_file.laterz(, retry=True, queue_now=not queue_limit)
                handle_file.laterz(, queue_now=False)