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Pdf preview #

Task to call a service that creates pdf previews for various types of documents.

The service used can be found here: [[thecodingmachine/gotenberg]]



List of file extensions that the pdf generator supports. Based on [[]].


List of mime types that the pdf generator supports. Based on [[]].


Minimum reference speed for this task. Saved as 10% of the Average Success Speed in the Admin UI. The timeout is calculated using this value, the request file size, and the previous TIMEOUT_BASE constant.


Minimum number of seconds to wait for this service.


Maximum number of seconds to wait for this service. For PDF preview we allow 2h.


call_pdf_generator(data, filename, size) #

Executes HTTP PUT request to the pdf generator service.

Source code in snoop/data/analyzers/
def call_pdf_generator(data, filename, size):
    """Executes HTTP PUT request to the pdf generator service."""

    url = settings.SNOOP_PDF_PREVIEW_URL + 'forms/libreoffice/convert'

    timeout = min(PDF_PREVIEW_TIMEOUT_MAX,

    resp =, files={'files': (filename, data)}, timeout=timeout)

    if resp.status_code == 504:
        raise SnoopTaskBroken('pdf generator timed out and returned http 504', 'pdf_preview_http_504')

    if (resp.status_code != 200
            or resp.headers['Content-Type'] != 'application/pdf'):
        raise SnoopTaskBroken(f'pdf generator returned unexpected response {resp}',
                              'pdf_preview_http_' + str(resp.status_code))

    return resp.content

can_create(blob) #

Checks if the pdf generator can process this file.

Source code in snoop/data/analyzers/
def can_create(blob):
    """Checks if the pdf generator can process this file."""
    if blob.mime_type in PDF_PREVIEW_MIME_TYPES:
        return True

get_pdf(blob) #

Calls the pdf generator for a given blob.

Adds the pdf preview to the database

Source code in snoop/data/analyzers/
@snoop_task('pdf_preview.get_pdf', version=3, queue='pdf-preview')
def get_pdf(blob):
    """Calls the pdf generator for a given blob.

    Adds the pdf preview to the database
    if not current_collection().pdf_preview_enabled \
            or not can_create(blob):
        raise SnoopTaskBroken('pdf preview disabled', 'pdf_preview_disabled')

    # the service needs to receive a filename but the original filename might be broken
        filename = models.File.objects.filter([0].name
        _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    except IndexError:
        log.warning('no File entry for this object!')
        ext = None
    if ext not in PDF_PREVIEW_EXTENSIONS:
        ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(blob.mime_type)
        if ext not in PDF_PREVIEW_EXTENSIONS:
            raise SnoopTaskBroken('no valid file extension guessed', 'invalid_file_extension')

    with as f:
        resp = call_pdf_generator(f, DEFAULT_FILENAME + ext, blob.size)
    blob_pdf_preview = models.Blob.create_from_bytes(resp)
    # create PDF object in pdf preview model
    _, _ = models.PdfPreview.objects.update_or_create(
        defaults={'pdf_preview': blob_pdf_preview}
    return blob_pdf_preview