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Digests #

Processing pipeline steps for a single document.

After all the files on disk, inside archives, emails and other containers are all ingested and de-duplicated by the set of tasks, they end up here in the launch() Task. Inside this task we decide what kinds of data and metadata extraction tasks we want to run for the document. We queue them all, then we queue a gather() task that combines their output, and finally we queue the index() task to upload the result into Elasticsearch.

This module also handles generating the different representations for File, Directory and Digest (de-duplicated document) rows in the database; these are used both in API response generation and when indexing data into Elasticsearch.



The max integer field available in ES 6.8.


The max number of file paths to be added to a de-duplicated document.


bulk_index(batch) #

Task used to send many documents to Elasticsearch.

End of the processing pipeline for any document.

Source code in snoop/data/
@snoop_task('digests.bulk_index', bulk=True, version=13, queue='digests')
def bulk_index(batch):
    """Task used to send many documents to Elasticsearch.

    End of the processing pipeline for any document.

    # list of (task, body) tuples to send to ES as a single batch request
    result = {}
    documents_to_index = []
    if not batch:
        return result

    task_query = (
        .filter(pk__in=[ for t in batch])

        # Annotate important parameters. Since our only batch task is digests.index(),
        # we only need to annotate the following:
        # - dependency digests_gather --> status
        # - digest object --> ID
        # - digest tags --> count

        # - digests_gather status (between success and broken)


            .filter(next=OuterRef('pk'), name='digests_gather')

    batch = list(task_query.all())

    if not batch:
        return result

    for task in batch:
        # this is only needed to see if tags exist
        blob = task.blob_arg
        first_file = _get_first_file(blob)
        if not first_file:
  "Skipping document with no file: %s", blob)
            result[] = False

        if task.digest_gather_status != models.Task.STATUS_SUCCESS:
            # Generate stub object when gather task is broken (no results).
            # This is needed to find results for which processing has failed.
            digest = None
            content = _get_document_content(None, first_file)
            content.setdefault('broken', []).append('processing_failed')
            # Generate body from full result set
            digest = models.Digest.objects.get(blob=blob)
            content = _get_document_content(digest)

        tags_exist = models.DocumentUserTag.objects.filter(digest=task.digest_id).exists()
        if tags_exist:
            # inject tags at indexing stage, so the private ones won't get spilled in
            # the document/file endpoints

        version = _get_document_version(digest)
        body = dict(content, _hoover={'version': version})

        # es 6.8 "integer" has max size 2^31-1
        # and we managed to set "size" as an "integer" field
        # instead of a long field
        size = body.get('size', 0)
        if size > ES_MAX_INTEGER:
            body['size'] = ES_MAX_INTEGER

        log.debug('Bulk Task %s uploading body with keys = %s', task, ", ".join(sorted(list(body.keys()))))

        documents_to_index.append((task, body))

    if not documents_to_index:
        return result

    rv = indexing.bulk_index([(, body) for task, body in documents_to_index])
    for x in rv['items']:
        blob = x['index']['_id']
        ok = 200 <= x['index']['status'] < 300
        result[blob] = ok

    for task, body in documents_to_index:
        tags_count = Count(models.DocumentUserTag.objects.filter(digest=task.digest_id))
        if tags_count:
            _set_tags_timestamps(task.digest_id, body)

    return result

can_read_text(blob) #

Check if document with blob can be read directly to extract text.

This returns True even for application/octet-stream, to attempting to extract text from files with no mime type found. This sometimes happens for long files.

Source code in snoop/data/
def can_read_text(blob):
    """Check if document with blob can be read directly to extract text.

    This returns `True` even for `application/octet-stream`, to attempting to extract text from files with
    no mime type found. This sometimes happens for long files.

    return blob.mime_type.startswith('text') or \
        (blob.mime_type in EXTRA_TEXT_MIME_TYPES and blob.mime_encoding != 'binary')

detect_encoding(blob) #

Try to detect the encoding for a given blob.

Will return the encoding, if it finds one with a confidence > 0.7. Otherwise it will return None.

Source code in snoop/data/
def detect_encoding(blob):
    """Try to detect the encoding for a given blob.

    Will return the encoding, if it finds one with a confidence > 0.7.
    Otherwise it will return None.
    with as f:
        first_4k = read_exactly(f, 4 * 2 ** 10)
    detect_result = chardet.detect(first_4k)
    confidence = detect_result.get('confidence', 0)
    # the confidence limit is chosen arbitrarily. We found documents producing 0.79 so we lowered
    # it from 0.8 to 0.7
    if confidence < 0.7:
        log.warning(f'low confidence when guessing character encoding: {confidence}')
        return None
        return detect_result.get('encoding') or 'latin1'

directory_id(directory) #

Returns an ID of the form _directory_$ID to represent a

This ID is used to cross-link objects in the API.

Source code in snoop/data/
def directory_id(directory):
    """Returns an ID of the form `_directory_$ID` to represent a [][].

    This ID is used to cross-link objects in the API.

    return f'_directory_{}'

file_id(file_query) #

Returns an ID of the form _file_$ID to represent a

This ID is used to cross-link objects in the API.

Source code in snoop/data/
def file_id(file_query):
    """Returns an ID of the form `_file_$ID` to represent a [][].

    This ID is used to cross-link objects in the API.

    return f'_file_{}'

full_path(file) #

Returns full path of File or Directory, relative to collection root.

// is used to mark files from inside containers (archives). This happens naturally when iterating objects, since all container files will contain a single directory with name = ''. See for more details.

Source code in snoop/data/
def full_path(file):
    """Returns full path of File or Directory, relative to collection root.

    `//` is used to mark files from inside containers (archives). This happens naturally when iterating
    objects, since all container files will contain a single directory with `name = ''`. See
    [][] for more details.
    node = file
    elements = []
    while node.parent:
        node = node.parent
    return '/'.join(reversed(elements))

gather(blob, **depends_on) #

Combines and serializes the results of the various dependencies into a single instance.

Source code in snoop/data/
@snoop_task('digests.gather', version=9, queue='digests')
def gather(blob, **depends_on):
    """Combines and serializes the results of the various dependencies into a single
    [][] instance.

    rv = {'broken': []}
        first_file = _get_first_file(blob)
        first_file_extension = pathlib.Path(
    except Exception as e:
        log.error('failed to get filename extension: %s', e)
        first_file_extension = None
    rv['skipped'] = not allow_processing_for_mime_type(blob.mime_type, first_file_extension)

        # Info Gathering section
        if archives.is_table(blob):
            rv['is-table'] = True
                with blob.mount_path() as path:
                    table_info = archives.get_table_info(
                        path, blob.mime_type, blob.mime_encoding)
            except Exception as e:
                log.warning('error retrieving table info: %s', str(e))
                table_info = None

            if table_info:
                rv["table-sheets"] = table_info['sheets']
                rv["table-sheet-count"] = len(table_info['sheets'])
                if table_info['sheets']:
                    first_sheet = table_info['sheets'][0]
                    rv["table-columns"] = table_info['sheet-columns'][first_sheet]
                    rv["table-row-count"] = table_info['sheet-row-count'][first_sheet]
                    rv["table-col-count"] = table_info['sheet-col-count'][first_sheet]

        # extract text and meta with apache tika
        tika_rmeta_blob = depends_on.get('tika_rmeta')
        if tika_rmeta_blob:
            if isinstance(tika_rmeta_blob, SnoopTaskBroken):
                log.warning("tika_rmeta task is broken; skipping")
                tika_rmeta = tika_rmeta_blob.read_json()
                if tika_rmeta:
                    rv['text'] = tika_rmeta[0].get('X-TIKA:content', "")[:indexing.MAX_TEXT_FIELD_SIZE]
                    rv['date'] = tika.get_date_modified(tika_rmeta)
                    rv['date-created'] = tika.get_date_created(tika_rmeta)
                    log.warning("tika task returned empty result!")

        # parse email for text and headers
        email_parse_blob = depends_on.get('email_parse')
        if email_parse_blob:
            if isinstance(email_parse_blob, SnoopTaskBroken):
                log.warning("email_parse task is broken; skipping")
                email_parse = email_parse_blob.read_json()
                email_meta = email.email_meta(email_parse)

        # For large text/CSV files, Tika (and text extraction) fails. For these, we want to read the text
        # directly from the file (limiting by indexing.MAX_TEXT_FIELD_SIZE) and ignore any files without a
        # valid encoding.
        if not rv.get('text') and can_read_text(blob):
            rv['text'] = read_text(blob) or ''

        # check if pdf-preview is available
        rv['has-pdf-preview'] = False
        pdf_preview = depends_on.get('get_pdf_preview')
        if isinstance(pdf_preview, SnoopTaskBroken):
            log.warning('get_pdf_preview task is broken; skipping')
        elif isinstance(pdf_preview, models.Blob):
            rv['has-pdf-preview'] = True

        # combine OCR results, limiting string sizes to indexing.MAX_TEXT_FIELD_SIZE
        ocr_results = dict(ocr.ocr_texts_for_blob(blob))
        if ocr.can_process(blob) or rv['has-pdf-preview']:
            for lang in current_collection().ocr_languages:
                ocr_blob = depends_on.get(f'tesseract_{lang}')
                if not ocr_blob or isinstance(ocr_blob, SnoopTaskBroken):
                    log.warning(f'tesseract ocr result missing for lang {lang}')
                    ocr_results[f'tesseract_{lang}'] = ""
      'found OCR blob with mime type: %s', ocr_blob.mime_type)
                with ocr_blob.mount_path() as ocr_path:
                    if ocr_blob.mime_type == 'application/pdf':
                        ocr_results[f'tesseract_{lang}'] = subprocess.check_output(
                            f'pdftotext -q -enc UTF-8 {ocr_path} - | head -c {indexing.MAX_TEXT_FIELD_SIZE}',
                        ).decode('utf8', errors='replace').strip()
                        with open(ocr_path, 'rb') as f:
                            ocr_results[f'tesseract_{lang}'] = read_exactly(
                            ).decode('utf-8', errors='replace').strip()
          'loaded OCR text for lang %s with length %s', lang,
        if ocr_results:
            rv['ocr'] = any(len(x.strip()) > 0 for x in ocr_results.values())
            if rv['ocr']:
                if blob.mime_type == 'application/pdf' or rv['has-pdf-preview']:
                    rv['ocrpdf'] = True
                    rv['ocrimage'] = True
                rv['ocrtext'] = ocr_results
                log.warning('all OCR results were blank.')

        # try and extract exif data
        exif_data_blob = depends_on.get('exif_data')
        if exif_data_blob:
            if isinstance(exif_data_blob, SnoopTaskBroken):
                log.warning("exif_data task is broken; skipping")

                exif_data = exif_data_blob.read_json()
                rv['location'] = exif_data.get('location')
                rv['date-created'] = exif_data.get('date-created')

        rv['has-thumbnails'] = False
        thumbnails = depends_on.get('get_thumbnail')
        if thumbnails:
            if isinstance(thumbnails, SnoopTaskBroken):
                log.warning('get_thumbnail task is broken; skipping')
                rv['has-thumbnails'] = True

        rv['detected-objects'] = []
        detections = depends_on.get('detect_objects')
        if detections:
            if isinstance(detections, SnoopTaskBroken):
                log.warning('object_detection task is broken; skipping')
                detected_objects = detections.read_json()
                rv['detected-objects'] = detected_objects

        rv['image-classes'] = []
        predictions = depends_on.get('classify_image')
        if predictions:
            if isinstance(predictions, SnoopTaskBroken):
                log.warning('image_classification task is broken; skipping')
                image_classes = predictions.read_json()
                rv['image-classes'] = image_classes
    except Exception as e:
        log.error('gather() failed while getting data: %s', str(e))


    result_blob = models.Blob.create_json(rv)

    _, _ = models.Digest.objects.update_or_create(
    return result_blob

get_directory_children(directory, page_index = 1) #

Returns a list with the page of children for a given directory.

This list combines both File children and Directory children into a single view. The first pages are of Directories, and the following pages contain only Files. There's a page in the middle that contains both some Directories and some Files.

See for computing the page number for an item inside this list.

Source code in snoop/data/
def get_directory_children(directory, page_index=1):
    """Returns a list with the page of children for a given directory.

    This list combines both File children and Directory children into a single view. The first pages are of
    Directories, and the following pages contain only Files. There's a page in the middle that contains both
    some Directories and some Files.

    See [][] for computing the page number for an item inside this

    def get_list(p1, p1f, p2, p2f, idx):
        if idx < p1.num_pages:
            return [p1f(x) for x in]

        # last page of dirs continues with first page of files
        if idx == p1.num_pages:
            return ([p1f(x) for x in]
                    + [p2f(x) for x in])

        # skip the 1 page we added above
        idx -= p1.num_pages - 1

        if idx <= p2.num_pages:
            return [p2f(x) for x in]
        return []

    def has_next(p1, p2, page_index):
        return page_index < (p1.num_pages + p2.num_pages - 1)

    child_directory_queryset = directory.child_directory_set.order_by('name_bytes')
    child_file_queryset = directory.child_file_set.order_by('name_bytes')
    p1 = Paginator(child_directory_queryset, limit)
    p1f = child_dir_to_dict
    p2 = Paginator(child_file_queryset, limit)
    p2f = child_file_to_dict
    pages = p1.num_pages + p2.num_pages - 1
    assert page_index > 0
    assert page_index <= pages

    total = child_directory_queryset.count() + child_file_queryset.count()
    return get_list(p1, p1f, p2, p2f, page_index), \
        has_next(p1, p2, page_index), total, pages

get_directory_data(directory, children_page = 1) #

Returns dict with representation of a

Source code in snoop/data/
def get_directory_data(directory, children_page=1):
    """Returns dict with representation of a [][]."""

    children, has_next, total, pages = get_directory_children(directory, children_page)
    return {
        'id': directory_id(directory),
        'parent_id': parent_id(directory),
        'content': {
            'content-type': 'application/x-directory',
            'filetype': 'folder',
            'path': full_path(directory),
        'children': children,
        'children_page': children_page,
        'children_has_next_page': has_next,
        'children_count': total,
        'children_page_count': pages,
        'parent_children_page': parent_children_page(directory),

get_document_data(blob, children_page = 1) #

Returns dict with representation of de-duplicated document (

Source code in snoop/data/
def get_document_data(blob, children_page=1):
    """Returns dict with representation of de-duplicated document ([][])."""

    first_file = _get_first_file(blob)

    children = None
    has_next = False
    total = 0
    pages = 0
    child_directory = first_file.child_directory_set.first()
    if child_directory:
        children, has_next, total, pages = get_directory_children(child_directory, children_page)

        digest = models.Digest.objects.get(blob=blob)
    except models.Digest.DoesNotExist:
        digest = None

    rv = {
        'parent_id': parent_id(first_file),
        'has_locations': True,
        'version': _get_document_version(digest),
        'content': _get_document_content(digest, None),
        'children': children,
        'children_page': children_page,
        'children_has_next_page': has_next,
        'children_count': total,
        'children_page_count': pages,
        'parent_children_page': parent_children_page(first_file),

    return rv

get_document_locations(digest, page_index) #

Returns list of dicts representing a page of locations for a given document.

Source code in snoop/data/
def get_document_locations(digest, page_index):
    """Returns list of dicts representing a page of locations for a given document."""

    def location(file):
        parent_path = full_path(file.parent_directory.container_file or file.parent_directory)
        return {
            'id': file_id(file),
            'parent_id': parent_id(file),
            'parent_path': parent_path,

    queryset = digest.blob.file_set.order_by('pk')
    paginator = Paginator(queryset, settings.SNOOP_DOCUMENT_LOCATIONS_QUERY_LIMIT)
    page =

    return [location(file) for file in page.object_list], page.has_next()

get_file_data(file, children_page = 1) #

Returns dict with representation of a

Source code in snoop/data/
def get_file_data(file, children_page=1):
    """Returns dict with representation of a [][]."""

    children = None
    has_next = False
    total = 0
    pages = 0
    child_directory = file.child_directory_set.first()
    if child_directory:
        children, has_next, total, pages = get_directory_children(child_directory, children_page)

    blob = file.blob

    digest = None
    version = None
    content = None
        digest = blob.digest
        version = _get_document_version(digest)
        content = _get_document_content(digest, file)
    except models.Blob.digest.RelatedObjectDoesNotExist:
        version = _get_document_version(file)
        content = _get_document_content(None, file)

    rv = {
        'id': file_id(file),
        'parent_id': parent_id(file),
        'has_locations': True,
        'version': version,
        'content': content,
        'children': children,
        'children_page': children_page,
        'children_has_next_page': has_next,
        'children_count': total,
        'children_page_count': pages,
        'parent_children_page': parent_children_page(file),

    return rv

get_filetype(mime_type) #

Returns a Hoover-specific "file type" derived from the libmagic mime type.

See for extended list. Extra patterns like audio/* -> audio are applied in this file.

Source code in snoop/data/
def get_filetype(mime_type):
    """Returns a Hoover-specific "file type" derived from the `libmagic` mime type.

    See [][] for extended list. Extra patterns like `audio/* -> audio` are
    applied in this file.

    if mime_type in FILE_TYPES:
        return FILE_TYPES[mime_type]

    supertype = mime_type.split('/')[0]
    if supertype in ['audio', 'video', 'image']:
        return supertype

    return None

index(blob, **depends_on) #

Task used to call the entity extraction for a document.

Calls entity extraction and/or language detection for a document. If there are no text sources in the document or entity extraction is disabled it will just return the blob and do nothing. This task will create a new task that it depends on, which will call the nlp service and save it's results.

Source code in snoop/data/
@snoop_task('digests.index', version=15, queue='digests')
def index(blob, **depends_on):
    """Task used to call the entity extraction for a document.

    Calls entity extraction and/or language detection for a document.
    If there are no text sources in the document or entity extraction is disabled
    it will just return the blob and do nothing.
    This task will create a new task that it depends on, which will call the nlp service and
    save it's results.

    if not current_collection().nlp_entity_extraction_enabled \
            and not current_collection().nlp_language_detection_enabled \
            and not current_collection().translation_enabled:
        log.warning('digests.index: All settings disabled. Exiting')
        return None

    if isinstance(depends_on.get('digests_gather'), SnoopTaskBroken):
        log.error('gather busted: %s', depends_on.get('digests_gather'))
        return None

    digest = models.Digest.objects.get(blob=blob)
    digest_data = digest.result.read_json()
    if not digest_data.get('text') and not digest_data.get('ocrtext'):
        log.warning('blob %s.. type %s: No text data. Exiting',
                    str([:6], blob.content_type)
        return None

    result = {}

    # detect language if any other settings are on
    lang_result = None
    if current_collection().nlp_language_detection_enabled \
            or current_collection().translation_enabled \
            or current_collection().nlp_entity_extraction_enabled:
        log.warning('blob %s.. type %s: running language detect...',
                    str([:6], blob.content_type)
        lang_result = require_dependency(
            lambda: entities.detect_language.laterz(blob),
        if not lang_result or isinstance(lang_result, SnoopTaskBroken):
            log.warning('detect_language failed!')
            lang_result = None
  'running language detect -- OK, lang = %s', result.get('lang'))

    # translate
    translation_result = None
    if (current_collection().translation_enabled
        and entities.can_translate(result.get('lang'))
            and result.get('lang') not in settings.TRANSLATION_TARGET_LANGUAGES):
        log.warning('blob %s.. type %s: running translation...',
                    str([:6], blob.content_type)
        translation_result = require_dependency(
            lambda: entities.translate.laterz(blob, result.get('lang')),

        if not translation_result or isinstance(translation_result, SnoopTaskBroken):
            log.warning('translation failed!')
            translation_result = None
  'running translation -- OK')

    # extract entities
    entity_service_results = None
    if current_collection().nlp_entity_extraction_enabled \
            and entities.can_extract_entities(result.get('lang')):
        if translation_result:
            depends_on['translation_result_pk'] = translation_result'running entity extraction...')
        entity_service_results = require_dependency(
            lambda: entities.get_entity_results.laterz(
       if translation_result else None,

        if not entity_service_results or \
                isinstance(entity_service_results, SnoopTaskBroken):
            log.warning('get_entity_results dependency is BROKEN')
            processed_results = entities.process_results(
            if processed_results:

    digest.extra_result = models.Blob.create_json(result)
    return digest.extra_result

launch(blob) #

Task to build and dispatch the different processing tasks for this de-duplicated document.

Runs on emails, on OCR-able documents, and on compatible documents. Schedules one Task depending on all of the above to recombine all the results, and another Task depending on the gather task.

Source code in snoop/data/
@snoop_task('digests.launch', version=12, queue='digests')
def launch(blob):
    """Task to build and dispatch the different processing tasks for this de-duplicated document.

    Runs [][] on emails, [][] on OCR-able
    documents, and [][] on compatible documents. Schedules one
    [][] Task depending on all of the above to recombine all the results, and
    another [][] Task depending on the `gather` task.

    depends_on = {}

        first_file = _get_first_file(blob)
        first_file_extension = pathlib.Path(
    except Exception as e:
        log.error('failed to get filename extension: %s', e)
        first_file_extension = None
    if allow_processing_for_mime_type(blob.mime_type, first_file_extension):
        if blob.mime_type == 'message/rfc822':
            depends_on['email_parse'] = email.parse.laterz(blob)

        if tika.can_process(blob):
            depends_on['tika_rmeta'] = tika.rmeta.laterz(blob)

        if exif.can_extract(blob):
            depends_on['exif_data'] = exif.extract.laterz(blob)

        if current_collection().pdf_preview_enabled and pdf_preview.can_create(blob):
            depends_on['get_pdf_preview'] = pdf_preview.get_pdf.laterz(blob)

        # either process OCR on the original, or on a PDF conversion
        if ocr.can_process(blob):
            for lang in current_collection().ocr_languages:
      'dispatching direct OCR in language %s', lang)
                depends_on[f'tesseract_{lang}'] = ocr.run_tesseract.laterz(blob, lang)
        elif depends_on.get('get_pdf_preview'):
            for lang in current_collection().ocr_languages:
      'dispatching OCR for PDF preview language %s', lang)
                depends_on[f'tesseract_{lang}'] = ocr.run_tesseract.laterz(
                    blob, lang,
                    depends_on={'target_pdf': depends_on['get_pdf_preview']},

        if current_collection().thumbnail_generator_enabled and thumbnails.can_create(blob):
            if depends_on.get('get_pdf_preview'):
                # if we just launched a pdf preview, add it to the deps
                depends_on['get_thumbnail'] = thumbnails.get_thumbnail.laterz(
                    depends_on={'pdf_preview': depends_on.get('get_pdf_preview')},
            elif thumbnails.can_create(blob):
                depends_on['get_thumbnail'] = thumbnails.get_thumbnail.laterz(blob)

        if current_collection().image_classification_object_detection_enabled \
                and image_classification.can_detect(blob):
            depends_on['detect_objects'] = (image_classification.detect_objects.laterz(blob))

        if current_collection().image_classification_classify_images_enabled \
                and image_classification.can_detect(blob):
            depends_on['classify_image'] = (image_classification.classify_image.laterz(blob))

    gather_task = gather.laterz(blob, depends_on=depends_on, retry=True, delete_extra_deps=True)

    index_task = index.laterz(blob, depends_on={'digests_gather': gather_task}, retry=True, queue_now=False)

    bulk_index.laterz(blob, depends_on={'digests_index': index_task, 'digests_gather': gather_task},
                      retry=True, queue_now=False)

parent_children_page(item) #

Return the page number on the parent that points to the page containing this item.

All items have a children list in their doc API. That list is paginated by page number. When fetching an item from the middle of the tree, we need to populate the list of siblings. Since the view is paginated, all parent objects must select the correct page in order find the item in its parent's child list.

See on how this list is created.

Source code in snoop/data/
def parent_children_page(item):
    """Return the page number on the parent that points to the page containing this item.

    All items have a `children` list in their doc API. That list is paginated by page number.
    When fetching an item from the middle of the tree, we need to populate the list of siblings. Since the
    view is paginated, all parent objects must select the correct page in order find the item
    in its parent's child list.

    See [][] on how this list is created.

    # don't use _get_parent --> don't skip parents when for polling children
    parent = item.parent
    if isinstance(item, models.Directory) and item.container_file:  # dummy archive directory
        return 1
    if not parent:  # root document, no parent
        return 1
    assert isinstance(parent, models.Directory)

    page_index = 1
    if isinstance(item, models.File):
        children = parent.child_file_set
        dir_paginator = Paginator(parent.child_directory_set,
        dir_pages = dir_paginator.num_pages
        page_index += dir_pages
        # last page of dirs also contains first page of files
        if dir_pages:
            page_index -= 1

    if isinstance(item, models.Directory):
        children = parent.child_directory_set

    children_before_item = children.filter(name_bytes__lt=item.name_bytes).count()
    page_index += int(children_before_item / settings.SNOOP_DOCUMENT_CHILD_QUERY_LIMIT)

    return page_index

parent_id(item) #

Returns the ID of the parent entity, for linking in the API.

Source code in snoop/data/
def parent_id(item):
    """Returns the ID of the parent entity, for linking in the API."""

    parent = _get_parent(item)

    if isinstance(parent, models.File):
        return file_id(parent)

    if isinstance(parent, models.Directory):
        return directory_id(parent)

    return None

path_parts(path) #

Returns a list of all the prefixes for this document's

This is set on the Digest as field path-parts to create path buckets in Elasticsearch.

Source code in snoop/data/
def path_parts(path):
    """Returns a list of all the prefixes for this document's [][].

    This is set on the Digest as field `path-parts` to create path buckets in Elasticsearch.

    elements = path.split('/')[1:]
    result = []
    prev = None

    for e in elements:
        if prev:
            prev = prev + '/' + e
            prev = '/' + e


    return result

read_text(blob) #

Attempt to read text from raw text file.

This function returns a single string, truncated to the indexing.MAX_TEXT_FIELD_SIZE constant.

If provided a file of type "application/octet-stream" (mime type unknown), we attempt to guess encoding using "chardet" and abort if we don't see 70% confidence.

If the first attempt to decode the file fails because of an unknown encoding, we also try to guess the right encoding.

Source code in snoop/data/
def read_text(blob):
    """Attempt to read text from raw text file.

    This function returns a single string, truncated to the `indexing.MAX_TEXT_FIELD_SIZE` constant.

    If provided a file of type "application/octet-stream" (mime type unknown), we attempt to guess encoding
    using "chardet" and abort if we don't see 70% confidence.

    If the first attempt to decode the file fails because of an unknown encoding, we also try to
    guess the right encoding.

    if blob.mime_type == 'application/octet-stream' or blob.mime_encoding == 'binary':
        encoding = detect_encoding(blob)
        encoding = blob.mime_encoding

    if not encoding:

        with as f:
            return read_exactly(f, indexing.MAX_TEXT_FIELD_SIZE).decode(encoding, errors='replace')
    # in case the initial mime type detected for the blob is unknown to python (e.g. unknown-8bit)
    except LookupError:
        encoding = detect_encoding(blob)
        if not encoding:
        with as f:
            return read_exactly(f, indexing.MAX_TEXT_FIELD_SIZE).decode(encoding, errors='replace')

retry_index(blob) #

Retry the Task for the given Blob.

Needed by the web process when some user changes the Document tags; this function will be called for the affected document.

Source code in snoop/data/
def retry_index(blob):
    """Retry the [][] Task for the given Blob.

    Needed by the web process when some user changes the Document tags; this function will be called for the
    affected document."""
    func = 'digests.bulk_index'
        task = models.Task.objects.filter(func=func, blob_arg=blob).get()
        if task.status == models.Task.STATUS_PENDING:
    except Exception as e:
        log.error('failed to retry index for blob %s',

update_all_tags() #

Re-runs the index task for all tags that have not been indexed.

Only works on tasks that are not already PENDING.

Requires a collection to be selected.

Source code in snoop/data/
def update_all_tags():
    """Re-runs the index task for all tags that have not been indexed.

    Only works on tasks that are not already PENDING.

    Requires a collection to be selected.

    tags = models.DocumentUserTag.objects.filter(
    digests = tags.distinct('digest').values('digest__blob')
    tasks = models.Task.objects.filter(
    tasks = tasks.exclude(status=models.Task.STATUS_PENDING)